Om oss

När vi gjorde vår årslånga segling var hela familjen med. Nu kommer vi förmodligen enbart att segla semesterseglingar i några år och då kan det bli lite olika. Under januari 2018 kommer enbart David och jag (Ulla) att segla.


Vi som seglar Serendipity är:


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Aubry är 17 år och kommer att ta ett sabbatsår från sin gymnasieutbildning

Aubry ser jättemycket fram emot att få se alla de platser som vi kommer besöka och att få träffa många nya människor. Speciellt ser hon fram emot den spännande kulturen i Skottland och Irland och Karibiens vackra natur med alla dess djur och växter. Aubry har gått på seglarskola 7 år och har precis tagit förarintyg.

David och Ulla


Vi är i 50-årsåldern och har drömt om långfärdssegling under många år.

David är elingenjör och har segling och kajakpaddling som sina största intressen. Han har seglat sen universitetstiden i Kaliforninen. Köpte sin första båt, en Stortriss, så fort han flyttade till Sverige 1987. En Misil 24 och Najad 34 senare så köpte vi HR 45:an för några år sedan och insåg att det är dags att ta steget och segla lite längre, både i tid och rum.

Ulla arbetar inom utbildningssektorn och har hjärtat i botaniken. Största intresset är segling samt växter och trädgårdsodling. Två intressen som krockar i tid. När vi träffades 1996 började vi segla tillsammans och köpte vår första gemensamma båt, Najaden, 1998.


HK 001

Miranda är 14 år och går i årskurs åtta. Hon spenderar helst tiden hos hästen och med katten Cassie.

Miranda kommer precis som Aubry att ta ett sabbatsår från nian. Hon tycker att det ska bli mysigt att segla iväg och ser mest fram emot att besöka Karibien. Hon har gått på seglarskola i sju år och går för tillfället på en kurs för förarintyg.



16 tankar på “Om oss

  1. David, Ulla, Aubry & Miranda,
    The CURLEW Captain & Crew send you good wishes for sunny blue skies & fair winds in your favour during your voyage. We all really enjoyed meeting you.
    Fortunately, you did not accompany us & try to transit Crinan Ca,nal as we were delayed several hours due to an oil spill inside the canal which further slowed our progress because the lock gates closed at 5PM. So it was 12noon the next day before we got through to Loch Fyne.

    The weather in Scotland has not been so good since you departed! You certainly saw Scotland at its best. Lots of lovely sunshine!
    Glad you managed to visit Titanic expedition in Belfast, Dublin as well as rounding Lands End.
    Best wishes to all
    Austin, Bryan, Colin, Donald – now known as ” ABCD” – The Curlew Crew


    • Hello ABCD,
      So nice to hear from you all. We are glad that we sailed to North Ireland instead of the Crinan Canal but sad that we could’t sail with you any more. We learned so much from you guys about tides and other things about Scotland. We have had much benifit by starting early in the morning. It was really nice to be with you and Miranda and Aubry liked to talk to you.
      We loved Scotland and we will come back when possible since the weather is great up there.
      Best wishes to all of you from all of us.
      MAUD (Miranda, Aubry, Ulla and David)


  2. David, Ulla, Aubry & Miranda,

    Mark, Julie and Mike,

    It was lovely to meet with you all, the flowers are still up! and we all agree the food wasn’t great!! Mike and I found better in the Starfish in Tarbert! Unlike your friends on Curlew we took a mooring the night before and our transit through the Crinan was a smooth one 08:30 in 16:30 out , it was hard work though not like the Caledonian!

    We will keep in touch and follow your journey with great interest.

    We too wish for you a safe journey with fair winds


    • Hej Falken
      Tack för att vi fick besöka er. Det var en höjdpunkt på vår resa. Vi ska följa er blogg och förhoppningsvis har vi möjlighet att se er igen.
      Vi såg att ni nu ligger i hamn.
      Många hälsningar till er alla.
      Vi på Serendipity of Sweden


  3. I have been following your journey along the Spanish coast nearly ready for the big push west I should think stay safe and we would love to catch up on your way home that would be fabulous!! Maybe on Lamlash on Arran!! We shall keep I. Touch using this wonderful website I have been using google translate. It works well enough for me take care Mark, Julie, Mike 😎

    Gillad av 1 person

    • Hi Not sure what your movements will be over the next month but we are going to be on holiday in Fuerteventura for a week from the 19th of November it would be amazing if you were passing! Either way be safe we will keep in touch 🙂


      • Hi Mark and Julie,
        That would have been so nice to mest you in Fuerteventura. Unfortually we have to be in Las Palmas the 20 November to pick up our Atlantic crew.
        Hope you get a fabulous holliday.
        Best regards from all of us.😊

        Gillad av 1 person

  4. Hello, we had the pleasure to meet you in Belfast Bangor, our yacht is Panta Rhei, we were berthed beside you. Also my daughter Lucy has been talking with Aubry which Lucy has been enjoying very much. I just wanted to congratulate you all on your crossing of the Atlantic and it seems that it was only yesterday that we were both in Bangor! You have done so well. We hope it will be our turn next year. I would love to hear about your crossing with advice etc. Have fun. All the best from Stuart.


    • Hi Stuart,
      Thank you. We had a adventurus crossing. We hope you will have calmer weather when you are going over the Atlantic. It would have been nice if you also crossed this year so we could sail together here in the Caribbean.
      Aubry also enjoy the communication with Lucy. I think it is amazing how much they seems to have in common regarding that they never met.
      We do hope to meet you guys again sometime.
      Best wishes from all of us on Serendipity


  5. Captain & Crew of Curlew send congratulations to Serendipity on completion of Atlantic crossing. Have enjoyed reading about all your voyage since we last sailed together from Oban last September. However, we were looking forward to meeting up again on your return crossing.
    Best wishes from Austin, Bryan,Colin & Donald.


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